Everyone has a dream. Some dream about business success, happy families, great relationships, travels, or toys. Others dream of a connection to something greater than themselves and changing the world through their presence.
Everybody has a dream
Many people have forgotten their dreams, they put them on a shelf long, long ago never to be revisited until that long ‘to do’ or ‘have to do’ list was complete. The truth is it’s not too late, your not too old and your dreams have never given up on you… even though you might have given up on them. They are whispering to you, enticing you to come out and play, even now.
Dust off your dreams!
Then meet us at the “out beyond” and let’s talk dreams! We can help you dust your goal type dreams off, understand what your night time dreams are trying to get you to hear, and even look at some divine nudges you are receiving.
Out Beyond Ideas
Out beyond ideas of wrong-doing and right-doing, there is a field.
I’ll meet you there.When the soul lies down in that grass,
the world is too full to talk about.
Ideas, language, even the phrase
each other
doesn’t make any sense.Rumi
(Sufi Mystic 1207-1273 A.D.) translation by Coleman Barks