Each moment presents you with a set of circumstances in which to make a choice. Once that choice is made it sets up another set of circumstances for you to make another choice. You must grab up the learning from all the prior choices and apply it along with your creative potential to this new set of circumstances. The trick is to let go of the past circumstances so you can fully focus on the present. This is how you create and build a life.
Practical Application
Look at your life. It is the sum of the choices you’ve made. Make peace with the fact that you have made these choices and here is where it got you, to your delight or your dismay and most likely a little of both.
Check your Life backpack. You have accumulated some powerful tools: experience, learning, creative potential, support, and the maturity to know what you don’t want and a vision of what you do want (even if it is just a spark).
Become a near sighted Sherlock Holmes. Your power is in the present moment and circumstances. Use your current circumstances to get your bearings and set your course. Ask for Guidance, look for clues, observe yourself, get some space.
Allow. Observe. Act. Observe. Allow. Observe. Act. Observe.